Sam Borstein's Cichlid Page

Perca flavescens
(Mitchill, 1814)

Yellow Perch

Yellow Perch
Above: A Lake Michigan Perch. Photo by Sam Borstein.


Genus- Perca= perch (Greek).
Species- flavescens= yellowish (Greek)


Perch are not only pretty, fun to catch, but also tasty. This is a great fish to catch, especially large Great Lakes Perch, which get over a foot commonly.


Yellow Perch like clear water with a sand or gravel substrate. They are usually found around a little bit of cover. They can be found in ponds, lakes, and rivers, but the largest ones occur in the Great Lakes of the Midwest.


Spawning occurs in late spring to summer. Eggs are attached to vegetation.


Yellow Perch feed on insects and their larvae, small fish, and crayfish.


Ones found in ponds are usually small, under a foot. The Lake Perch are usually larger and can be up to 15 inches and a pound or two.

Keeping In Aquaria:

It is possible and usually easy to keep this fish in an aquarium. The fish do lose a lot of color though.

Gaming Qualities:

Yellow Perch are a blast to catch. They are supposed to be great to catch while ice fishing.

Fishing Tips:

Jigs and live bait work best. They are close to shore during the spring and early summer.