Here are some helpful links and resources.
If you like my site, check out my blog. I try to do weekly posts on things happening in my fishroom and on my lab research. I do daily updates when I can during expeditions.
American Cichlid Association (ACA)
The American Cichlid Association is a national cichlid club that promotes the keeping of cichlids. It also stresses the awareness of cichlids in need that are endangered or going extinct. The club also has an annual convention and a quarterly publication, both of which are great.
A Site and network where at risk species of fish are discussed, and conservation programs are ran by hobbyists as well as professionals
Chicago Livebearer Society (CLS)
The Chicago Livebearer Society is a rather new Chicago club with a focus on livebearing fishes. The club is a great source for people in the area looking for rarer livebearers, especially wild types. The club has an online forum and a calender of events on their web page.
Dr. Ron Coleman's site. Ron works at the Sacramento State University. One of Ron's major studies is the physical traits of cichlid eggs. Ron has created this site to help with his research. Got eggs, donate some to him for research and help us learn more about our cichlids.
This site is a great resource and has a wealth of information on the Cichlidae family. This site also contains a forum with many great hobbyists.
Dave's Rare Aquarium fish is located in San Antonio, Texas and Ran by Dave Schumacher. Dave has a wide variety of fish, but specializes in rift lake Africans. He also has some neat Madagascan and West African cichlids, along with New World cichlids, rainbows, and various catfish. Dave is great to work with and has high quality fish. I frequently get fish from Dave and he has one of the best selections of cichlids available.
Greater Chicago Cichlid Association (GCCA)
The Greater Chicago Cichlid Association is the club that I belong to. Check out the site to view the fish of the month, or see what is available on the classifieds. Check out the new GCCA Cichlid Forum. The site also features an ask GCCA area where your questions can be answered and a calender of the clubs upcoming events.
The legendary Chicago aquarium has beautiful exhibits and an excellent Amazon exhibit. A visit is full of fun.
Seriously Fish is a fantastic web site full of many informative fish profiles. There is also a fantastic forum with users from all over the world eager to discuss fish and keeping them. A fantastic site that you should definitely check out.
Ted Judy's site. Ted specializes in keeping and breeding West African cichlids, but all in all keeps a wide variety of fish from all over the world. His site features a stock list and a fish blog.