Sam Borstein's Cichlid Page

Morone mississippiensis
(Jordan & Eigenmann, 1887)

Yellow Bass

Yellow Bass
Above: A Yellow Bass. Photo by John Bash.


Genus- Morone= derivation of name is unknown.
Species- mississippiensis= named after the Mississippi River.


The Yellow Bass is a fish not thought of by most anglers. Usually when anglers think temperate bass they have White Bass and Stripers on their mind.

This fish, along with the Striped Bass are true Bass. The Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass are actually members of the Sunfish family.


This fish occurs in larger lakes and rivers. They are usually found relatively deep and in clean water.


Yellow Bass spawn from April-May. They come into the shallows to spawn.


In the wild, Yellow Bass feed on small fish and insects.


Yellow Bass usually are around 12 inches and one pound.

Keeping In Aquaria:

Probably would be the easiest temperate bass to keep. You will most likely have to feed it live foods.

Gaming Qualities:

This fish is fun to catch, especially on ultra light gear or on a river. They fight well and large ones are a blast.

Fishing Tips:

Spinners and minnows seem to be the best baits for Yellow Bass.